We partnered with Global-e, a third party service acting as your seller-on-record, so you can buy and ship your ICONIC London products to over 100 destinations worldwide! When you buy your ICONIC London products from Global-e, you will see that your payment method is charged by **Global-e// ICONIC London **, and the purchase is subject to Global-e’s Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy (which will be clearly presented in checkout before you place the order).

You can contact Global-e HERE

We aim to deliver European orders within 5-10 working days and International orders within 7-14 working days. Your parcel will require a signature so please ensure that delivery can be accepted at the chosen delivery address.

Occasionally, during holidays or busy periods, international deliveries may take longer. If you have not received your delivery within 14 working days, please contact Global-e HERE


The prices of the items you order do not include custom taxes and import duties; the costs of these charges vary for each country. You will be responsible for these costs incurred for custom charges when you receive your parcel. If you refuse to accept your parcel, your items will be returned back to ICONIC London. You will be liable for any additional returns and customs charges in relation to your return. The costs of these charges will be deducted from the refunds that are owed to you.


Please note that all pre-ordered items are on an estimated date for dispatch, and this may from time-to-time be changed. If you order in-stock items with your pre-order items, your order will be delayed for dispatch to the same date as your pre-ordered items.   Note that these delivery periods are expected guidelines, but we will not be held liable if your delivery takes longer. We will not be liable to you or be deemed to be in breach of the contract by reason of any delay in performing, or any failure to perform, any of its obligations in relation to the goods ordered by you if the delay or failure was due to any cause beyond its reasonable control.